PSA 10.256 
Online Hydride Generation System for As, Se, Sb, Te and Bi


Online Batch Hydride Generation Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometer with integrated sample digestion for the determination of total arsenic, selenium, antimony, tellurium or bismuth at trace and ultra trace levels Able to analyse complex sample matrices without interference Element specific boosted discharge hollow cathode lamp excitation source with detection by solar blind photomultiplier Low reagent consumption and waste generation Designed to operate in discrete sample injection mode and suitable for online operation 24 hours per day 7 days a week 365 days a year, matching throughput with sensitivity requirements The system can be configured to take samples on a user definable frequency such as every 15 minutes, every hour, 6 times day or even daily The analyser can also be configured to only analyse a sample when prompted from an external source Standard method compliance depends on application/matrix